Address: Hazel Street, Leicester, LE2 7JN
Tel: 0116 2338411
Twitter: @HazelSchool

0116 233 8411

Hazel Community Primary School

Learning Every Day with Hazel Pride

School Uniform 

At Hazel we expect to see our children dressed in the school colours, proudly showing that they're a member of the Hazel Community. 

All children at Hazel are expected to wear school uniform. This is because;

  • It gives the children a sense of belonging and being part of the school
  • It prepares children for secondary school 
  • When attending educational visits, children can easily be identified as belonging to Hazel Community Primary School 

Our school colours are Royal Blue

Uniform and PE kit is available either from Uniform Direct or from the school by placing an order on School Gateway. 

 Click Here to find out more about Uniform Direct (Information about ordering online and from their store in Leicester City Centre)

 Click Here to access the Uniform Direct website (Hazel Community Primary School) 

All clothing must be named. 

School book bags may also be purchased from School Gateway.  

School Uniform

  • Children should wear a Royal Blue sweatshirt or cardigan. Branded Hazel clothing is available for purchase from Uniform Direct or School Gateway. Alternatively, children may wear plain Royal Blue uniform items that are available from supermarkets and other clothing shops.
  • Trousers, skirts and tights should be dark grey or black.
  • A white shirt or polo shirt should be worn underneath.
  • Black school shoes or black trainers must be worn - no bright trainers. Boots may be worn, as long as they do not have a heel and are flat and comfortable.
  • In hot weather a blue summer dress may be worn.

 PE Kit

  • Children should wear a Royal Blue PE t-shirtBranded Hazel clothing is available for purchase from Uniform Direct or School Gateway. Alternatively, children may wear plain Royal Blue polo shirts and hoodies that are available from supermarkets and other clothing shops.
  • Any jogging bottoms and trainers are allowed to be worn.
  • Trainers must be worn. There is no need to buy plimsolls for any lessons.
  • Children should come into school in their PE kit only on the days when they have PE.