Address: Hazel Street, Leicester, LE2 7JN
Tel: 0116 2338411
Twitter: @HazelSchool

0116 233 8411

Hazel Community Primary School

Learning Every Day with Hazel Pride

After-School Clubs

All clubs run for the whole-term.

All Enrichment sessions are linked to our Hazel curriculum.

Some clubs are organised for specific pupils only and these are not listed on this page.

All registration for after-school clubs is to be completed on School Gateway, using the "Clubs" option.

2024-25 Academic Year - Autumn Term

Please read the information below carefully as this is changed for the 2024-25 academic year. 

Breakfast Club will begin on Tuesday 27th August 2024.

Enrichment and Teatime Club will begin on Monday 2nd September 2024.

All clubs will run until the last day of term, which is Friday 20th December 2024.