Address: Hazel Street, Leicester, LE2 7JN
Tel: 0116 2338411
Twitter: @HazelSchool

0116 233 8411

Hazel Community Primary School

Learning Every Day with Hazel Pride

Anti-Bullying at Hazel

Restorative Conversations and Anti-Bullying

We are very proud of the children in our school and how they take our ten Hazel Pride Values so seriously in all aspects of school life. 

Children in our school understand the importance of being kind, tolerant and respectful to others. 

Bullying is rare in our school and this is down to the kindness shown between children and our strong belief that all children should use their voice to stand up for what is right. 

We regularly teach children what bullying is and also what it isn't. We explain that it's normal to disagree sometimes and give children the skills they need to give their opinion calmly and respectfully. 

If things go wrong, which they do from time to time, children are given time with trusted adults to discuss what happened using a restorative-based approach. Staff have been trained by specialists in Leicester City Council in how to facilitate purposeful restorative conversations with children that lead to change. We have a range of SEMH interventions that are used with children where needed to explore feelings, emotions and our choices around behaviour. 

Children and Families are also fortunate to have access to a full-time Family Support Partner who works closely with children and families to support in situations where bullying might be taking place outside of school or online. 

We are lucky to have our fantastic Hazel Pride Leaders from Years 2-6 who keep their eye out at at play and lunchtimes for children who need a friend. They are also relied upon by teachers to be a welcoming face to new arrivals to Hazel who need a first friend. 

At our school, if children do feel worried about anything, they know they have got their 5 trusted adults to talk to and this is regularly revisited as these adults change over time.

If a child felt they were bullied, there are several strategies that children are taught: 


  1. Walk away and find a friend
  2. Use your voice (tell them to stop)
  3. Tell an adult that is there
  4. Tell your teacher
  5. Stand tall (be proud of who you are)


The school has a clear anti-bullying policy in place that has been written by the senior leadership team and is regularly reviewed by governors. The anti-bullying lead for the school is Mrs Rhodes who is also the Inclusion Lead and Assistant Headteacher. She works closely with Miss Alhaddad who is our Wellbeing Lead for all children within the school. 


Useful Websites

Anti Bullying Alliance
